About us

Digital Market Place

Federation of Commerce & Entrepreneurship of Thrace within the Interreg Greece – Bulgaria program, MarCh (Market Changer) project developed a platform (Marketplace) with Local Products of Thrace and a user evaluation tool for businesses - producers.

Digital Market Objectives (Marketplace) are:

  • to especially help local small businesses promote their products.
  • small businesses will have their own storefront, online.
  • the intended integrated evaluation tool will allow customers to express their opinion, thus leading to the improvement of the provided services and products offered by the companies and to the improvement of quality.

Platform numbers!

800 +
New Products
200 +
New Categories
15 +


Federation of Commerce & Entrepreneurship of Thrace

2 Vasileos Georgiou 69100 Komotini

+30 2551 028880


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